Our research is based on the contributions of many talented students, both at graduate and undergraduate levels, and collaborators associated with the lab, influenced greatly by other researchers in our field.
* indicates graduate student authors from this lab
Sahakyan, L. (in press). Current Perspectives on Directed Forgetting. In A. Wagner & M. Kahana (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Human Memory. [PDF]
Lo*, Y., Ding*, H., Whitlock*, J., & Sahakyan, L. (in press). The role of prior familiarization and meaningfulness of verbal and visual stimuli on directed forgetting. Memory. [PDF]
Whitlock*, J., Ding*, H., Hubbard*, R., & Sahakyan, L. (in press). Delayed Testing in Directed Forgetting Dissociates Active and Passive Forms of Forgetting. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. [PDF]
Whitlock*, J., Hubbard*, R., Ding*, & Sahakyan, L. (2023). Trial-level fluctuations in pupil dilation at encoding reflect the strength of relational binding. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition [PDF]
Sahakyan, L., Wahlheim, C.N., & Kwapil, T.R. (2023). Mnemonic discrimination deficits in multidimensional schizotypy. Hippocampus, 1-15. [PDF]
Hubbard*, R. & Sahakyan, L. (2023). Differential recruitment of inhibitory control processes by directed forgetting and thought substitution. Journal of Neuroscience [PDF]
Pfarr, J.K., Meller, T., Evermann, U., Sahakyan, L., Kwapil, T.R. & Nenadić, I. (2023). Trait schizotypy and the psychosis prodrome: Current standard assessment of extended psychosis spectrum phenotypes. Schizophrenia Research [PDF]
Ding*, H., Whitlock*, J., & Sahakyan, L. (2022). Can intentional forgetting reduce the cross-race effect in memory? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 29, 1387–1396. [PDF]
Whitlock*, J., Chiu*, Y., & Sahakyan, L. (2022). Directed forgetting in associative memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 48, 29-42. [PDF]
Federmeier, K. D. and Sahakyan, L., Eds. (2021). The Context of Cognition: Emerging Perspectives (Psychology of Learning and Motivation, Vol. 75). London, Academic Press.
Hubbard*, R. & Sahakyan, L. (2021). Separable neural mechanisms support intentional forgetting and thought substitution. Cortex, 142, pp.317-331. [PDF]
Chiu*, Y., Wang, T., Beck, D., Lewis-Peacock, J., & Sahakyan, L. (2021). Separation of item and context in item-method directed forgetting. NeuroImage, 235, 117983. [PDF]
Whitlock*, J., Lo*, Y., Chiu*, Y., & Sahakyan, L. (2020). Eye movement analyses of strong and weak memories and goal-driven forgetting. Cognition, 204. [PDF]
Sahakyan, L., Meller, T., Evermann, U., Schmitt, S., Pfarr, J., Sommer, J., Kwapil, T. R., Nenadic, I., (2020). Anterior vs. posterior hippocampal subfields in an extended psychosis phenotype of multidimensional schizotypy in a nonclinical sample. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 47, pp. 207-218. [PDF]
Sahakyan, L., Kwapil, T. R., Lo*, Y., & Jiang*, L. (2019). Examination of Relational Memory in Multidimensional Schizotypy. Schizophrenia Research, 211, 36-43. [PDF]
Griffin*, M., Benjamin, A., Sahakyan, L., & Stanley*, S. (2019). A matter of priorities: high working memory enables superior value-directed remembering. Journal of Memory and Language, 108, 104032. [PDF]
Sahakyan, L., Kwapil, T. R., & Jiang*, L. (2019). Differential Impairment of Positive and Negative Schizotypy in List-Method and Item-Method Directed Forgetting. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149, pp. 368-381. [PDF]
Sahakyan, L. & Kwapil, T. R. (2019). Hits and false alarms in recognition memory show differential impairment in positive and negative schizotypy. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 128, 633-643. [PDF]
Sahakyan, L. (2019). List-strength effects in older adults in recognition and free recall. Memory & Cognition, 47, 764-778. [PDF]
Sahakyan, L. & Malmberg, K. (2018). Divided attention during encoding causes separate memory traces to be encoded for repeated events. Journal of Memory and Language, 101, 153-161.[PDF]
Sahakyan, L. & Kwapil, T. R. (2018). Episodic memory retrieval is impaired in negative schizotypy under fast response deadline. Schizophrenia Research.[PDF]
Sahakyan, L. & Kwapil, T. R. (2018). Moving beyond summary scores: Decomposing free recall performance to understand episodic memory deficits in schizotypy. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.[PDF]
Akan*, M. & Sahakyan, L. (2018) Repeated failures to obtain selective directed forgetting in lab and online samples and variations in stimuli. Memory, 26, 294-305.[PDF]
Sahakyan, L. & Kwapil, T. R. (2016). Positive schizotypy and negative schizotypy are associated with differential patterns of episodic memory impairment. Schizophrenia Research: Cognition, 5, 35-40.[PDF]
Sahakyan, L., & Foster*, N. L. (2016). The Need for Metaforgetting: Insights from Directed Forgetting. In J. Dunlosky & S. Tauber (Eds.), pp. 341-356, Oxford Handbook of Metacognition.[PDF]
Manning, J., Hulbert, J., Williams, J., Piloto, L. R., Sahakyan, L., & Norman, K. (2016). A neural evidence of intentional forgetting via contextual flushing. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23, 1534-1542.[PDF]
Foster*, N. L., Dunlosky, J., & Sahakyan, L. (2015). Predicting the effects of directed forgetting: Are global judgments of learning sensitive to the costs and the benefits of list-method directed forgetting. Journal of Memory and Language, 85, 88-100.[PDF]
Masicampo, E. J., & Sahakyan, L. (2014). Imagining another context during encoding offsets context-dependent forgetting. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 40, 1772-1777.[PDF]
Hupbach, A., & Sahakyan, L. (2014). Additional boundary condition for list-method directed forgetting: The effect of presentation format. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 40, 596-601.[PDF]
Sahakyan, L., Abushanab*, B., Smith*, J. R., & Gray*, K. J. (2014). Individual differences in contextual storage: Evidence from the list-strength effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 40, 873-881.[PDF]
Sahakyan, L. & Smith*, J. R. (2014). “A Long time ago, in a context far, far away”: Retrospective time estimates and internal context change. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 40, 86-93.[PDF]
Sahakyan, L., Delaney, P. F., Abushanab*, B., & Foster*, N. L. (2013). List-Method Directed Forgetting in Cognitive and Clinical Research: A Theoretical and Methodological Review. In B. Ross (Ed.), The Psychology of Learning and Motivation, v. 59, Elsevier.[PDF]
Waldum*, E. R. & Sahakyan, L. (2013). A role for memory in prospective timing informs timing in prospective memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 142, 809-826.[PDF]
Waldum*, E. R. & Sahakyan, L. (2012). Putting congeniality into context: Memory and directed forgetting of attitude statements. Journal of Memory & Language, 66, 717-730.[PDF]
Foster*, N. L. & Sahakyan, L. (2012). Metacognition can guide rehearsal processes in item-method directed forgetting. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 38, 1309-1324. [PDF]
Sahakyan, L. & Hendricks. H. E. (2012). Context change and retrieval difficulty in the list-before-the-last paradigm. Memory & Cognition, 40, 844-860.[PDF]
Foster*, N. L. & Sahakyan, L. (2011). The role of forget-cue salience in list-method directed forgetting. Memory, 19, 110-117.[PDF]
Sahakyan, L. & Delaney, P. F. (2010). Item-specific encoding produces an additional benefit of directed forgetting: Evidence from intrusion errors. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 36, 1346-1354.[PDF]
Sahakyan, L., & Goodmon*, B. L. (2010). Theoretical implications of extra-list probes for directed forgetting. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 36, 920-937.[PDF]
Delaney, P. F., Sahakyan, L., Kelley, C. M., & Zimmerman, C. (2010). Remembering to forget: The amnesic effect of daydreaming. Psychological Science, 21, 1036-1042.[PDF]
Sahakyan, L. (2010). Environmental context change affects memory for performed actions. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63, 425-433.[PDF]
Sahakyan, L. & Foster*, N. L. (2009). Intentional Forgetting of Actions: Comparison of List-Method and Item-Method Directed Forgetting. Journal of Memory and Language, 61, 134-152.[PDF]
Sahakyan, L., Waldum*, E. R., Benjamin, A. S., & Bickett, S. (2009). Where is the forgetting with list-method directed forgetting in recognition? Memory & Cognition, 37, 464-476.[PDF]
Sahakyan, L., Delaney, P. F., & Goodmon*, L. B. (2008) “Oh, honey, I already forgot that”: Strategic control of directed forgetting in older and younger adults. Psychology & Aging, 23, 621-633.[PDF]
Sahakyan, L., Delaney, P. F., & Waldum*, E. R. (2008). Intentional forgetting is easier after two “shots” than after one. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 34, 408-414.[PDF]
Sahakyan, L. & Goodmon*, L. B. (2007). The influence of directional associations on directed forgetting and interference. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 33, 1035-1049.[PDF]
Delaney, P. F. & Sahakyan, L. (2007). Effects of working memory capacity on context maintenance: Adding individual differences to the contextual-change account of directed forgetting. Memory & Cognition, 35, 1074-1082.[PDF]
Malmberg, K., Lehman, M., & Sahakyan, L. (2006). On the cost and benefit of taking it out of context: Modeling the inhibition associated with directed forgetting. Proceedings of the 28th Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 549-554. [PDF]
Sahakyan, L. & Delaney, P. F. (2005). Directed forgetting in recognition testing and incidental learning: Support for a two-factor account. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 31, 789-801.[PDF]
Sahakyan, L. (2004). Destructive effects of “forget” instructions. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 11, 555-559.[PDF]
Sahakyan, L., Delaney, P. F., & Kelley, C. M. (2004). Self-evaluation as a moderating factor of strategy change in directed forgetting benefits. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 11, 131-136.[PDF]
Sahakyan, L. & Delaney, P. F. (2003). Can encoding differences explain the benefits of directed forgetting in the list method paradigm? Journal of Memory and Language, 48, 195-206.[PDF]
Kelley, C.M. & Sahakyan, L. (2003). Memory, monitoring and control in attainment of memory accuracy. Journal of Memory and Language, 48, 704-721.[PDF]
Sahakyan, L. & Kelley, C.M. (2002). A contextual change account of the directed forgetting effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 28, 1064-1072.[PDF]